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For anything in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+4Posted:2018-07-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: for all the worldfor any pricefor love or moneySimilar words: anythinganything butif anythinglike anythinghardly anythingplaythingeverythingthink nothing of itMeaning: adv. under any circumstances. 
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(151) The Linux operating system has a very bright future in the area of embedded applications for anything from Internet appliances to dedicated control systems.
(152) If you want the stewardess for anything, just push the call button.
(153) If you put this image into a stereo viewer, you can pick out the 3D atomic structure; for anything more complex than this, we need a different way to visualize what is going on.
(154) Never blame the chef or the busboy or the hostess or the weather for anything that goes wrong. Just make it right.
(155) Hey Felix, "2000t" can stand for anything from cell phones models to your future robot sex pardner .
(156) But to be ready for anything I have got three revolvers with me, " said the surveyor untruthfully.
(157) Do you think Lal will care for anything so unimportant?
(158) It would also be nice if Rich doesn't reserve the vertical bar for anything so we can keep it as part of our core DSL for conditional probability notation.
(159) In appreciation of the hospitality King Midas showed Silenus, the god Dionysus offered King Midas a wish for anything he desired.
(160) He may be a good man for anything I know.
(161) It's ideal for anything from a hand-held blow-off gun to multi-unit nozzle manifolds for conveyorized products of transfer lines.
(162) It is probably a matter of temperament[], and for anything I know it may be glandular.
(163) It doesn't really sound like you have a hankering for anything in particular at all.
(164) Brad and Angelina may have been too untamed once for anything as stuffy as a marriage license. But then they had children have already done their domesticating damage.
(165) The types and amount of work required to collect information (alluded to above), and to support activities and events, would -- if carried out by this role -- leave little time for anything else.
(166) So that's the best method for anything you wish to carry far in oil paint.
(167) Outline -- The outline view is often used to show a structural representation of the diagram, but it can be used for anything in general.
(168) They don't complain or feel regret for anything they did heart and soul for their children.
(169) His voice was often heard calling the three mast-head look-out men,[Sentencedict] and encouraging them to sing out for anything they saw.
(170) In fact, for anything to attract very large number of audience, it needs to have the language of sex either pictorially or verbally.
(171) Applications can use forms for anything from entering a stock ticker symbol to filling out a loan application.
(172) Birmingham City defender Scott Dann will not leave St Andrew's for anything less than top price.
(173) Do you use the Xenu Link Sleuth for anything else besides finding broken links?
(174) Gabrielle: I'm not waiting for anything. Oh look, a moving van.
(175) And the designer has flair with fur, using it for anything from a tabard to a hooded coat — but always making the clothes seem light-handed and upbeat.
(176) The majority of us have no ear for anything but ourselves, we cannot hear a thing God says.
(177) It should probably go without saying, but this technique is very useful for general-purpose wiring, and is not for anything requiring special considerations.
(178) At the least, being prepared for anything might put you at the forefront of the coming shakedown; but if the worst comes, it might become a matter of sheer survival.
(179) He was always particularly ready for anything in the way of a testimonial to any one.
(180) But in the tiny farmstead where his father used to herd goats, his Kenyan relatives are praying for anything but more political upheaval.
More similar words: anythinganything butif anythinglike anythinghardly anythingplaythingeverythingthink nothing of itthink nothing ofamaranthineliving thingthinghealth insurancenothingthingsfarthingbathingtithingmouthingseethingnothing butteethingloathingswathingsoothingsheathingknow nothingearthingfor nothingthinking
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